Florida is a great place to start if you are looking to meet celebrities. Miami, beach is a popular beach with lots of tourism. A great place to stay at the Miami beach is The Setai celebs hotel with with it’s 18 foot ceilings.
Billionaires Beach
Billionaires beach carbon beach is another great place to go and meet celebrities world. A place to stay is a hotel with beautiful views of the beach and the Pacific Ocean.

Crane Beach
Crane Beach is another great place to look to meet celebritiesin the Barbados.It’s no surprise that Barbados’ Crane Beach is the top 10 best beaches by life of rich and the famous. If you want to visit these beaches you will have to save money to go there first, then you visit the beach and stay at the luxurious hotel rooms and cross your fingers that you meet a celebrity or celebrities.

Billionaires beach and Miami beach are some great places to start. Miami has some of the most richest and luxurious beaches around with it’s white sand and clear blue water. I would love to visit some of these beaches myself so i could give you a better idea of what these beaches are all about, i’ve only heard of them, i’ve never actually been there so i can’t really say.
Barbados is another great place to start, with it’s white sand beaches and clear blue turquoise waters. I wish i could go these beaches myself because they are very beautiful beaches, it’s not just about meeting celebs there, it’s about enjoying the beautiful ocean views and beach views from the luxurious amazing hotel rooms. I have been to the dirty waters of Port Dalhousie in St. Catharines many times and nothing compares to the Barbados or the stunning views from Billionaires beach, or even Miami, Beach.

In Port Dalhousie you actually see dead fish everywhere where i live, the water is so dirty in lake Ontario that the water for fish becomes to dirty for fish to even live in, and eventually they die, like i said we have no ocean around here in St. Catharines, Ontario so i can’t really say what a real beach looks like or smells like.
To actually live in Miami by the beach or in the Barbados would be a fantastic lifestyle because you get to see celebrities on top of having a great clear water beach with white sands, imagine waking up to a beach everyday with clear clean blue water and pure white sands, but to live on a beach is more expensive and more money consuming and time consuming.

I would love to see the beautiful oceans and beaches one day and meet celebrities there, it would be a fantastic style to live there by a beach too.I love beaches more than living in a city.Another great beach is Bahamas, Nassau beach.I love to go to the beach and be around beaches so living on a beach would be a bonus for me sense i love nature and i love sand.